Our Mission

When launching NinMobileNews, our vision has always been to create a community of avid Nintendo enthusiasts. Combining our love for the community and our passion for gaming, we set out on becoming a source for the latest news, deals, and reviews for everything Nintendo.

Each day we’re motivated to provide valuable content for our community by exuding professionalism and positivity in everything we do!


We want to thank all of our friends and supporters who’ve helped us become who we are today. We personally want to thank our friends Emilee Rivera and Seth Hay for sharing their talents with us when developing our website.

Emilee Rivera is a fantastic and kind-hearted photographer who helped us create stunning visuals for the site and we couldn’t have done it without her. Seth Hay helped us develop our image for NinMobileNews and without him, we wouldn’t be here today without his artistic talent in web development and design.

Our Team


