Yasuhiro Wada, the creator of the Harvest Moon franchise, has announced his latest project, Little Dragons Café. This new title will be arriving on Nintendo Switch and PS4 in late-summer of this year. The game combines the oddity of raising a dragon and running your own café. Here’s a rundown of the story and what to expect from Little Dragons Café when it launches later this year:
The story opens with a twin brother and sister learning to cook and manage a small café under their mother’s tutelage. All was peaceful and routine until one morning when the twins discover that their mother has fallen into a deep sleep and won’t wake up. Suddenly, a strange old man appears to inform them that they must raise a dragon in order to save her. Working together with three quirky café employees, the two siblings must figure out how to a wrangle a dragon and manage the family business while finding a way to save their mother.
On top of the aforementioned story, the game will also have the player take part in many Harvest Moon type activities. Harvest Moon clearly has a presence in the game, as players can engage in activities such as growing produce, fishing, learning new recipes, and taking on quests from neighbors.
We’ll be sure to follow-up once an official release date is announced. For all things, Nintendo, stay tuned to NinMobileNews.