機動力のあるメインの性能を活かしながら、サブの「ロボットボム」で相手をけん制し、スペシャルの「マルチミサイル」で一網打尽にしよう。 pic.twitter.com/MjdVtn5Ae1— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) December 8, 2017
A classic weapon from the original Splatoon, the N-ZAP ‘89, will be splatting onto Splatoon 2 tonight! The stats for this weapon are identical to the ‘85 that is already available in the game, but this is more for of a cosmetic change. Only true difference between the two is that the ‘89 comes with the Autobomb sub-weapon and the Tenta Missiles special instead.
This free content update will arrive tomorrow in regions like Japan and Europe, but tonight here in North America.